I know....I am a slacker! I have let my blog posts go by the wayside. Today I will get back into to the swing of things and check out the blog world.
I am curious to see what has been going on in all of your live's. Throughout the day, I WILL peruse all my favorite blog jaunts and let ya know that I am still here.
I am curious to see if everyone is posting about their New Year's resolutions...I usually do not make any. But there are two things that I am going to do different in 2006. I need to eat healthier, more rabbit food such as veggies and fruit. Second I want to get rid of some of my stuff.
I have too much of everything! Too many shoes, dishes, photos, knick-knacks....you name it and I probably have at least 10 maybe 50 or more of it. I am not joking here.
Here is an old fact... I woke up hearing noises about 3 am, it was my sister in law tip-toeing around in my home. I was alarmed and thought that she may be ill or in need of something. I asked her "Are you okay??"
Yes she replied I just wanted to look at everything, you have so much stuff! I thought of offering her a dust rag to use while she went around checking it all out.
People like to come over and when they do they walk around and just look. Some think I have talent as a decorator....NOpe I just keep it and add to it. But frankly it is impossible to keep everything dusted, vacuumed and polished. Somehow, Someway ,I have to do something about all the excess.
My husband could take care of this problem in just one day, because he is experienced in discarding mine and the Twins things. He likes to get rid of stuff, just not....
his stuff. I mean does anyone really need to save 4 years worth of Fishing Magazines?? And how many tackle boxes and fishing poles does one man need??
Officially beginning soon, I am putting my HOUSE on a diet!