Country Chatter from a down home Critter

Location: Conroe, TEXAS, United States

I have a passion for reading and for Roger Clemens, pitcher for the Houston Astros! I know that the Lord is always with me and my Granny is my favorite person! Paul David is the best hubby and gift from God. I enjoy watching birds and squirrels and appreciating the great wonders that the Lord provides! My Twins hold the key to my heart! What more could a woman want?

Monday, January 07, 2008

Tootin' My Horn!

Yesterday morning right before Church, I decided to step on the scale and to my wonderful surprise.....I have lost 14 Pounds. YIPPIE!

Today I stepped back onto the treadmill (after a two week hiatus) and I thought "man this bites".

But the good news is ....I am halfway there. Really its just a mind set that you have to get. But I do hope that it also lowers my cholestoral.

Did any of you catch the Debates? Or the 60 Minutes interview with Roger Clemens? I don't know what to think anymore. And I am still UNDECIDED! Egads!

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas around here, I hope all of you did as well.

We had the customary Cabbage and Black-eyed peas on New Years Day. It is supposed to bring you good luck and good fortune....I dunno about that, I feel blessed already!

As for New Year's resolutions, I don't really have any. I made a vow last October to lose weight and I have. I hope to lose the remaining 20 pounds in 7 months, by my birthday. I threw my low-fat diet to the wind over the Christmas Holidays. But thankfully and unbelievably I only gained 1 pound over the holidays. Believe me I indulged and it was fun.

The Twins were ready to head back to school today, but none was as anxious as I. The house is so peaceful and tranquil that I feel like I have excaped to another planet. I am soaking it in....solitude at last! Well for a few more hours anyhow.

Paul starts his new position on Saturday. He is so very nervous about this, but I know he can do it.

Looks like 2008 is going to be different already. Change is good!

So tell me, did you make any New Years resolutions?